BETTER CHANCE is an initiative of
Footprints International e. V
for children in Zambia.
We give people the chance
of a better life.
You can trust us,
that your donation will go exactly
where it is needed:
To the people of Zambia.
We do not have an expensive administration
and we do all work on
a voluntary baiss.
Our vision is to invest in children and give them access
to primary education.
From elementary school to university graduation. Our mission is to support reliable and motivated local partners who want to improve their country. No inappropriate help from Europeans who, from a cultural context, think that one should live differently. Support and help only makes sense when being cloe to the people of the country and if it is integrated into their own motivation and culture. With us, help for self-help is not a slogan, but a program. For a better life with a perspective.

We give a home to children who, for various reasons, cannot live at home with their families. Parents often died of AIDS or other diseases. The AIDS death rate in Zambia is over 11% despite education and medical assistance. Many of the children of Zambia are orphans. Our children's houses are located on the site of the school, so that the children have a short way to school. The campus as the center of life.
They study hard at school. Here, unlike in Germany, it is a privilege to be allowed to go to school. We support the school with salaries to pay the teachers, with construction activities to maintain a building, with materials and the offer to promote the training of the teachers to keep the level high.
In order to structure the day and keep the kids busy in a meaningful way, we support dedicated locals who provide soccer training.
The sports teams consist of
- 7 trainers
- 8 teams
- 120 children
We support by procuring uniform sportswear, suitable shoes and training materials. The kids feel like real professionals.
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